Summer exhibit opens

AWARD-WINNING ART: Delta Triennial features work of 46 regional artists at Little Rock museum

Gabriell Edwards, Monica Simpson and Corey Reddin on 06/27/2024 at the Member Preview Reception for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Art's Delta Triennial. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)
Gabriell Edwards, Monica Simpson and Corey Reddin on 06/27/2024 at the Member Preview Reception for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Art's Delta Triennial. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)

Patrons of the Arkansas Museum of Fine Art had the first look at the Delta Triennial on June 28. The juried exhibit that features artists from Arkansas and surrounding states opened to the public the following day.

Guests enjoyed drinks in the lobby and the Cultural Living Room where there was music before viewing the exhibit.

The reception included an awards program with Molly Kaderka of Stillwater, Okla., winning the $5,000 Grand Award for her work "Ferrous Form." A People's Choice winner will be announced in August.

The Delta Triennial, which includes 46 artists, will be on display through Aug. 25. There will be various events associated with the exhibit including artists talks, demonstrations and workshops. Visit the museum's website for more information.


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