English author honored

HIGH TEA: Arkansas Rep guests enjoy tea, discussion of Jane Austen work

Felicity Chen, Lacey Johnson, Jessica Johnson and Lauren Johnson on 6/29/2024 in Foster's Lounge at Arkansas Repertory Theater.  (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)
Felicity Chen, Lacey Johnson, Jessica Johnson and Lauren Johnson on 6/29/2024 in Foster's Lounge at Arkansas Repertory Theater. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Cary Jenkins)

The Arkansas Repertory Theatre's Fosters Lounge was transformed for a English cottage garden-style tea on June 29 with floral arrangements and tablecloth covered tables set with fine china tea sets. The sold-out event was held after the matinee performance of "Pride and Prejudice."

Each table held a different set of china, some from the theater's props department, others on loan from friends and patrons of the Rep. Centering each table were tiered plates holding petit fours, tiny tarts, strawberries and crustless sandwiches.

After guests enjoyed their tea, there was a program with Carol West, a Harold and Lucy Cabe Distinguished Professor of English at Hendrix College, where she teaches a course on Jane Austen. She and interim artistic director Ken Matt Martin discussed Austen, the novel and the adapted play.


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