Kathryn Grace Starr and Zackary Spencer Rose plan to marry Oct. 26 at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville.
She is the daughter of Rene and Joe Starr of Little Rock and the granddaughter of Peggy and the late Duane Vandenberg of Hot Springs and the late Billie Jo and Joe Fred Starr of Fayetteville. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a bachelor's degree in finance and marketing and is employed as an assistant supervisor at Stephens.
He is the son of Denise and Tony Wilson of Maumelle and Holly and Darren Rose of Mayflower. His grandparents are Diana and Paul Nolte of Little Rock and Ida and Lester Rose of Perryville. He has a bachelor's degree in marketing from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and is a project manager at Staley Technologies.
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