March Madness: How to Bet on the NCAA Tournament

March Madness is one of the busiest and most exciting times of the year for sports bettors. Sixty-eight college basketball teams compete for the man's national championship across three weeks, with dramatic upsets and adrenaline-pumping finishes along the way. The electrifying and often unpredictable road to the Final Four is what has earned this season the moniker of madness.

So, how can you get in on the action?

Single Game

There are multiple ways to bet March Madness, the simplest being moneyline, point spread, and total bets on any single game.

A moneyline (ML) bet is a bet for a team to win outright, or straight up (SU). Looking at the odds, favorites are indicated by a (-) sign, while a (+) sign indicates underdogs.

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