Arkansas Postcard Past: El Dorado in 1922

El Dorado, 1922: “My own dear little wife, son and daughter. How is my little folks today?” The card features the hall of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which was founded by six theater owners in Seattle in 1898. Today, the Eagles creed in part is “to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.”

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203
El Dorado, 1922: “My own dear little wife, son and daughter. How is my little folks today?” The card features the hall of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which was founded by six theater owners in Seattle in 1898. Today, the Eagles creed in part is “to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope.” Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

El Dorado, 1922: "My own dear little wife, son and daughter. How is my little folks today?" The card features the hall of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which was founded by six theater owners in Seattle in 1898. Today, the Eagles creed in part is "to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope."

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

  photo  El Dorado, 1922: "My own dear little wife, son and daughter. How is my little folks today?" The card features the hall of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which was founded by six theater owners in Seattle in 1898. Today, the Eagles creed in part is "to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills and promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope."
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