Arkansas Postcard Past: Springdale, circa 1910

Springdale, circa 1910: The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad, commonly referred to as the Frisco, served the town from this wooden frame depot. The town was home to around 4,000 people at the time, and has boomed to about 90,000 now. The trains have long stopped in the city. An earlier version of this photo included an incorrect name for the railroad.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203
Springdale, circa 1910: The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad, commonly referred to as the Frisco, served the town from this wooden frame depot. The town was home to around 4,000 people at the time, and has boomed to about 90,000 now. The trains have long stopped in the city. An earlier version of this photo included an incorrect name for the railroad. Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

Springdale, circa 1910: The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad, commonly referred to as the Frisco, served the town from this wooden frame depot. The town was home to around 4,000 people at the time, and has boomed to about 90,000 now. The trains have long stopped in the city. An earlier version of this story included an incorrect name for the railroad.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

  photo  Springdale, circa 1910: The Kansas City Southern Railroad served the town from this wooden frame depot. The town was home to around 4,000 people at the time, and has boomed to about 90,000 now. The trains have long stopped in the city. Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O.
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