Arkansas Postcard Past: Smackover, circa 1924

Smackover, circa 1924: When oil was discovered in April 1922 the remote area exploded as thousands poured in to seek fortune. P.A. Griffin sought to bring cash in by filling the building on Main Street with things such as a bath house, a doctor and the Texas News Stand. The little town may see its next boom in the form of lithium extraction.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203
Smackover, circa 1924: When oil was discovered in April 1922 the remote area exploded as thousands poured in to seek fortune. P.A. Griffin sought to bring cash in by filling the building on Main Street with things such as a bath house, a doctor and the Texas News Stand. The little town may see its next boom in the form of lithium extraction. Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

Smackover, circa 1924: When oil was discovered in April 1922 the remote area exploded as thousands poured in to seek fortune. P.A. Griffin sought to bring cash in by filling the building on Main Street with things such as a bath house, a doctor and the Texas News Stand. The little town may see its next boom in the form of lithium extraction.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

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