Arkansas Postcard Past: Brinkley in 1909

Brinkley, 1909: Friday's feature was of the Baptist Church in 1908. Today's is the white frame church in ruins following a tornado that killed more than 50 and destroyed or damaged every church in town except the Catholic one, which became a makeshift morgue.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203
Brinkley, 1909: Friday's feature was of the Baptist Church in 1908. Today's is the white frame church in ruins following a tornado that killed more than 50 and destroyed or damaged every church in town except the Catholic one, which became a makeshift morgue. Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

Brinkley, 1909: Friday's feature was of the Baptist Church in 1908. Today's is the white frame church in ruins following a tornado that killed more than 50 and destroyed or damaged every church in town except the Catholic one, which became a makeshift morgue.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

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