The men's March Madness bracket is set and the No. 1 overall seed and defending national champion UConn Huskies (+400) stand atop the field as the favorites to cut down the nets in April.
(Make your Final Four picks here!)
Fellow No. 1 seeds Houston (+600) and Purdue (+700) are close behind UConn in the betting market, while North Carolina (+1600), the top team in the West Region, is tied for the fifth-best odds to win its seventh national title. No. 2 Arizona (+1500) has better odds than the Tar Heels and No. 2 Tennessee (+1600) is tied with UNC. Seven of the last 10 teams to win it all have been No. 1s. The lone exceptions are 2016 Villanova, a No. 2 seed; the 2014 Huskies, a No.
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