TELEVISION: Sisters are the stars of HGTV’s ‘Renovation 911’

Emergency restoration experts and sisters Kirsten and Lindsey survey the fire damaged porch at this Minneapolis house owned by the Williams as seen on “Renovation 911.” The sisters were introduced to the business of emergency renovations by their father, who makes an appearance in the series. (Stephanie Rau/HGTV/Discovery/TNS)
Emergency restoration experts and sisters Kirsten and Lindsey survey the fire damaged porch at this Minneapolis house owned by the Williams as seen on “Renovation 911.” The sisters were introduced to the business of emergency renovations by their father, who makes an appearance in the series. (Stephanie Rau/HGTV/Discovery/TNS)

MINNEAPOLIS — In one episode, a fire destroys a Twin Cities area family's kitchen, living room and garage. In another, a washing machine floods a house. Then there's the one where a tree falls through the roof, bursting the radiators and backing up the sewer.

Those are just some of the disasters that emergency restoration experts and sisters Lindsey Uselding and Kirsten Meehan tackle in a new HGTV series, "Renovation 911," which is set to debut Tuesday.

The siblings, who grew up in Edina, Minn., have come a long way since their early days answering phones at a property restoration and mitigation company, Ungerman Inc.

Now part owners of the Twin Cities-based company, the sisters have seen it all. And it has prepared them for the tasks they face in the TV series.


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