TELEVISION: Women run fictional world of ‘General Hospital’
April 11, 2023 at 2:09 a.m.
Alicia Rancilio, The Associated Press
As "General Hospital" marks its 60th anniversary, much remains the same for the longest-running scripted series in production in the United States. A hospital is still the backdrop for the soap opera, many of the veteran characters remain, the wealthy Quatermaine family looms large and the stories are about love, mystery and adventure.
But in a shift, many of the most powerful residents of Port Charles are women.
Genie Francis' legacy character Laura Collins, whose 1981 wedding to Luke Spencer drew 30 million viewers and is still the highest-rated soap opera episode in U.S. history, is now the mayor of Port Charles. The police commissioner is a woman (played by Tanisha Harper), and the chief of staff at General Hospital is also a woman (played by Cassandra James.)
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