March Madness 2024: Betting Breakdown for Wednesday’s First Four Games

The final two spots in the Round of 64 will be decided Wednesday evening in Dayton, Ohio, on the second night of the First Four.

The No. 16 seed in the Midwest Region is up for grabs as Grambling State and Montana State are battling it out for the right to play No. 1 Purdue. Elsewhere in the bracket, the No. 10 seed in the South will be decided when Colorado plays Boise State with the winner advancing to face No. 7 Florida.

(Odds via FanDuel.)

No. 16 Grambling State Tigers vs. No. 16 Montana State Bobcats

Game Info: 6:40 p.m. ET | truTV
Spread: Grambling State +3.5 (-105) | Montana State -3.5 (-115)
Moneyline: GRAM (+46) | MTST (-178)
Total: 134.5 — Over (-110) | Under (-100)

MontanaState guard Robert Ford III averages 15.9
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