TELEVISION: Great read turned into dream role for Jennifer Garner
April 18, 2023 at 2:08 a.m.
Alicia Rancilio, The Associated Press
If you devoured Laura Dave's novel "The Last Thing He Told Me," you're not alone. The book spent 65 weeks as a New York Times Best Seller and one of those readers who couldn't put it down was Jennifer Garner.
"I read it with my middle child. We kept pushing bedtime later and later because we were just compelled to read one more chapter, two more chapters, three more chapters," Garner said. "I can't even explain how much I loved it."
Her great read turned into a " dream role " when Julia Roberts — who was originally attached to star in a TV show based on the book had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts. Dave co-created the series, which debuted Friday on Apple TV+, with Josh Singer, her Oscar-winning husband, and wrote the adaptation.
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