Little Rock’s Jennifer Maune one of three finalists on Fox's “MasterChef”

Little Rock's Jennifer Maune on the finale of the Fox series MasterChef..(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Fox)
Little Rock's Jennifer Maune on the finale of the Fox series MasterChef..(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Fox)

Jennifer Maune of Little Rock has made it to the final three on the Fox cooking competition MasterChef. The lifestyle blogger and mom of six faces off against Grant Gillon of Altoona, Iowa, and Kennedy U. of Denver for the $250,000 grand prize in the Season 13 finale, which airs tonight at 7 p.m.

“I’m so thankful for this opportunity,” Maune said earlier this week. “No matter what happens Wednesday night I feel like I’ve already obtained what I set out for, which was to grow as a chef and get experience.”

Maune, who has a pastry degree and a culinary degree from the School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality at the University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech and who has an advanced certification in pastry from at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, joined 19 other contestants on this edition of MasterChef, which debuted May 24.

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