Temporary replacement set for Gregory Street exit on U.S. 67/167 in Jacksonville

FILE — A sign for U.S. 67/167 is shown in this 2019 file photo.
FILE — A sign for U.S. 67/167 is shown in this 2019 file photo.

The ongoing widening project along U.S. 67/167 through Jacksonville requires a long-term closure of one exit ramp and the opening of a temporary ramp to take its place.

Beginning at 8 p.m. Thursday, the northbound exit ramp at Gregory Street will close -- and remain closed until late 2025, the Arkansas Department of Transportation has announced.

For the duration of the closure, motorists will have access to a temporary exit ramp at North James Street.

As part of the department's Connecting Arkansas Program, 2.5 miles of U.S. 67/167 are being widened to six lanes between Main Street and Vandenburg Boulevard.

This is the second major closure as part of the U.S. 67/167 project. In October 2023, the North James Street Bridge over the highway was closed to traffic for one year.


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