Construction projects to cause various lane and highway closures next week across the state

FILE — A "road closed" sign is shown in this file photo.
FILE — A "road closed" sign is shown in this file photo.

A series of construction and maintenance projects stretching from Malvern to Paragould will result in a number of lane closures and detours next week, transportation officials announced Friday.

Three of those projects are taking place on Interstate 30, including alternating lane closures that are scheduled to begin Monday in Little Rock and North Little Rock. Those closures are expected to last through the week, according to the Arkansas Department of Transportation.

Those lane closures will not be restricted to ramps and highway lanes, but also frontage roads and nearby residential streets -- including Riverfront Drive, as well as Cypress, Broadway and Locust streets, transportation officials said.

Daytime lane closures will take place 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and overnight lane closures will occur 8 p.m.

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