How to Bet on Caitlin Clark in the Women’s NCAA Tournament

If you know only one player's name among those participating in March Madness this week – on the men's or women's side – it's probably Caitlin Clark.

Not only has Clark bolstered her legacy as one of the greatest players in the history of college basketball, she has brought an incredible amount of attention to women's basketball -- and that attention has been most evident in the betting community.

According to DraftKings, the amount wagered on women's sports has close to quadrupled over the last three years. I'd guess this year will be the biggest yet, with a lot of attention on the University of Iowa superstar.

Lily Smith/USA TODAY Network

So far in the 2023-24 season, Clark has:

  • Broken the Big Ten all-time scoring record
  • Become the Big Ten's all-time leader in assists
  • Become the career leading scorer in the Big Ten tournament
  • Become the all-time leader in points among major women's college basketball players
  • Set the NCAA single-season record for three-pointers
  • Become the all-time NCAA Division I men's and women's scoring leader
  • Achieved most three-pointers in a single season by any male or female Division I player
  • Become the first Division I women's player to score at least 1,000 points in two different seasons

Not surprisingly, she was named the unanimous Big Ten Player of the Year.

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