March Madness 2024: Predicting Which No. 1 Seed Will Be Upset First

In the buildup to March Madness, the search for the next Cinderella team dominates the national conversation. Who will be this year's Saint Peter's or Florida Gulf Coast? Will it be Drake? How about James Madison? My colleague Kevin Sweeney took a stab at predicting which double-digit seed will still be dancing next weekend — and perhaps beyond.

But while everyone is in search of a sleeper, let's take a look at potential upsets from a different point of view. Which No. 1 seed is in danger of going down the earliest?

It's a pertinent question considering last year's Elite Eight was the first in men's NCAA Tournament history without a No. 1 seed. Purdue was upset in the Round of 64, Kansas was eliminated in the Round of 32 and Houston and Alabama both

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