LIVE MUSIC IN ARKANSAS: Ouachita River Band performs on town’s Front Porch Stage
July 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Jack W. Hill
◼️ Bluesboy Jag & Learning to Crawl perform at 6 p.m. at Twin Peaks, 10 Shackleford Drive. Admission is free. (501) 224-1729;
◼️ Ben Byers performs from 6-8 p.m. in the second in a summer concert series at The Promenade at Chenal, 17711 Chenal Parkway. (501) 821-5552;
◼️ Kyle May, Emily Fenton and Stephanie Smittle, perform at 8 p.m. at White Water Tavern, 2500 W. Seventh St. Admission is $10. (501) 375-8400;
◼️ Uncle Lucius will perform from 8-11:45 p.m. at Rev Room, 300 President Clinton Ave. Tickets are $25 (501) 823-0090;
◼️ Kevin Kerby and Brent Best perform at 8 p.m. at The Undercroft, in Christ Episcopal Church, 509 Scott St. (501) 375-2342. Kerby and Best are both singer-songwriter-guitarists who have been the leaders, respectively, of the bands Mulehead and Slobberbone and The Drams.
◼️ Hindsight
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