MusicFest El Dorado

Country singer Lorrie Morgan is among the Oct. 7 performers at the El Dorado MusicFest.

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Justin Daye, courtesy of Laughing Penguin Publicity)

Submitted pnoto
Country singer Lorrie Morgan is among the Oct. 7 performers at the El Dorado MusicFest. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Justin Daye, courtesy of Laughing Penguin Publicity) Submitted pnoto

The 35th anniversary MusicFest El Dorado kicks off Friday in and around the south Arkansas city's downtown Union Square. The fun continues Saturday with three stages and some big names on the bill. Friday night's headliner is Tonic, a reunited American rock band from the 1990s. On Saturday, headliners are the quirky country act The Cadillac Three. A highlight though, is a show by country music star Lorrie Morgan, with her son Jesse Keith Whitley opening for her. There's way too much to list so check out for full schedule, ticket information and more.

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Justin Daye, courtesy of Laughing Penguin Publicity)

  photo  Jesse Keith Whitley performs Oct. 7 at Musicfest El Dorado Submitted photo
  photo  The Cadillac Three, performing Oct.
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