Tour featuring Whiskey Myers, with Lukas Nelson and his band, stops May 3 at Simmons Bank Arena

Whiskey Myers features Jeff Hogg (from left), Tony Kent, Cody Tate, Cody Cannon (seated) John Jeffers and Jamey Gleaves. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Khris Poage)
Whiskey Myers features Jeff Hogg (from left), Tony Kent, Cody Tate, Cody Cannon (seated) John Jeffers and Jamey Gleaves. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Khris Poage)

Genre-bending Americana band Whiskey Myers, on tour to support their latest self-produced album, "Tornilla," is set to stop at North Little Rock’s Simmons Bank Arena at 6:30 p.m. May 3, 2024. 

Willie Nelson's son, Lukas Nelson, and his band, The Promise of the Real, and Reid Haughton are "special guests."

Tickets are $39.50-$99.50 plus fees; there is an eight-ticket limit per household. Visit

In 2022, a single from "Tornilla," "John Wayne," was the No. 17 most-played Americana song of that year, according to a press release.

In total, Whiskey Myers has sold more than 1.5 million albums and amassed over 2 billion streams, the news release says. 

USA Today describes their sound as “a riff-heavy blend of Southern rock and gritty country that has earned comparisons to the Allman Brothers Band and Led Zeppelin,” with Rolling Stone noting “it’s the seminal combination of twang and crunchy rock & roll guitars that hits a perfect sweet spot.”

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