The 2024 Bank OZK Concert Series at the Arkansas State Fair, Oct. 11-20, will feature seven acts over three nights.
The lineup (all shows, 7 p.m. at Barton Coliseum on the Fairgrounds, 2600 Howard St., Little Rock):
Oct. 11: Stephen Pearcy of Ratt, Quiet Riot and Vixen
Oct. 12: R&B performers Dru Hill and Ginuwine.
Oct. 13: Country performers Chase Rice and Ella Langley.
Tickets, $25-$50, include gate admission to the fair. Visit
Photos and Credits (Top to Bottom): Dru Hill (Special to the Democrat-Gazette), Ginuwine (Special to the Democrat-Gazette), Ella Langley (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Caylee Robillard)
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