Scheffler picked a good time to expand his trophy case. An Olympic gold would be a nice addition

Scottie Scheffler, of the United States, smiles on the 11th green during a practice round for the men's golf event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 29, 2024, at Le Golf National in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France. (AP Photo/Matt York)
Scottie Scheffler, of the United States, smiles on the 11th green during a practice round for the men's golf event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 29, 2024, at Le Golf National in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France. (AP Photo/Matt York)

SAINT QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES, France (AP) — Scottie Scheffler picked a good time to remodel his golf room at his home in Dallas, an office where he keeps trophies and a Masters green jacket, special memorabilia and space to tinker with his golf clubs.

He started winning, and then winning some more. He collected six PGA Tour trophies through June, the most of anyone since Arnold Palmer in 1962.

“We built a couple additional shelves,” Scheffler said Monday. “We were redoing the room as I was winning a bunch and so we just kind of had to continue to adjust, which was a pretty fun thing to be able to do.”

An Olympic gold medal would be a nice addition, and it wouldn't even take up much room.


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