Local notes: Art Bridges Foundation announces open call for venues to participate in “Crafting Sanctuaries: Black Spaces of the Great Depression South”

Blake Sutton (from left), Lindsay Ortego, Lauren Ortego and Shannon and Terryl Ortego attend the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas Spark of Hope fundraiser July 24 at the Rogers Convention Center in Rogers. The organization honored the Shannon and Terryl with their Outstanding Individuals award.

(Submitted photo)
Blake Sutton (from left), Lindsay Ortego, Lauren Ortego and Shannon and Terryl Ortego attend the Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas Spark of Hope fundraiser July 24 at the Rogers Convention Center in Rogers. The organization honored the Shannon and Terryl with their Outstanding Individuals award. (Submitted photo)

Art Bridges Foundation

Art Bridges Foundation recently announced an open call for venues interested in "Crafting Sanctuaries: Black Spaces of the Great Depression South," a new traveling exhibition that explores how Black Southerners transformed private dwellings and public gathering places into havens of expression and refuge during the Great Depression.

"Crafting Sanctuaries" will be available beginning in Spring 2025 for a loan period of six months at each borrowing institution. The exhibition is open to a wide variety of arts and cultural organizations in the United States -- providing a unique opportunity for libraries, schools, community centers, and other nontraditional spaces to share these significant works with their local community.

"Crafting Sanctuaries highlights the resilience and creativity of Black communities during one of America's most challenging periods, and we are eager to support organizations that wish to share these powerful stories with their community.

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