An Honorable occasion

HERE COMES THE JUDGE!: Seventh annual Roast and Toast lauds jurist for her community involvement

LaTasha Mays, Daphne Gaulden, Daphne McBeth, Andrea Lewis, Liz Hicks and Tamika Edwards at the seventh annual Compassion in Action Re-Entry Roast & Toast, held June 27, 2024, at the Chenal Country Club.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Helaine R. Williams)
LaTasha Mays, Daphne Gaulden, Daphne McBeth, Andrea Lewis, Liz Hicks and Tamika Edwards at the seventh annual Compassion in Action Re-Entry Roast & Toast, held June 27, 2024, at the Chenal Country Club. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Helaine R. Williams)

Judge LaTonya Austin Honorable, 5th Division Circuit Court, was honored for her work and community involvement at the seventh annual Roast and Toast benefiting Compassion in Action Re-entry and held June 27 at Chenal Country Club in Little Rock.

KARK's D.J. Williams emceed the dinner. Keynote speaker was state Sen. Kim Hammer, who reminded the audience that "God is a God of second chances."

Former Judge Joseph Wood introduced Hammer.

Roasters/toasters were Tonya Middleton, Fred Woods, Karyn Bradford Coleman, Judge Cara Connors, Judge Morgan "Chip" Welch and Austin Honorable's mother, Fran Kelley. Most notable was Welch's recounting a noted confrontation between him and Austin Honorable in court when the latter was a spunky young lawyer.

Mark Hobby of Hobby Auctioneers was the live auctioneer.

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