IN THE GARDEN: Buddleias love the full sun

Buddleias love full sun.
(Special to the Democrat-Gazette)
Buddleias love full sun. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

Q:  My wife and I saw these buddleias (see reader's photo) at Oaklawn on June 7. Can you identify the variety?

A:  I do not know the exact variety, but I can tell it is one of the new compact forms with large flowers. There are several series. The Pugster series from Proven Winners only grows 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide but produces large blooms. The Chrysalis series from Ball Seed has five color choices and grows up to 28 inches tall and wide. Other compact buddleias include the Flutterby Petite series and the Dapper series. They are all good plants for full sun. If I were a betting person, I would put money on the Pugster Blue, but that is just an educated guess.


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