How to hunt bucks in velvet

From Sept. 7-9, hunters will have an opportunity to take a buck in velvet during the first early archery buck season.
(Arkansas Game and Fish Commission/Mike Wintroath)
From Sept. 7-9, hunters will have an opportunity to take a buck in velvet during the first early archery buck season. (Arkansas Game and Fish Commission/Mike Wintroath)

A friend in Crawford County recently sent a photo of four bucks in velvet eating under a feeder in his front yard.

That photo is meaningful because Arkansans will have an opportunity to kill a buck in velvet this year during the first early buck season Sept. 7-8.

"The velvet archery weekend is a great opportunity to punch that first buck tag of the season," said Anne Marie Doramus, a member of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "After seeing the excitement generated from deer hunters in nearby states that offer this early season, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission sees this as an exciting experience for hunters to harvest a unique trophy buck."

White-tailed deer bucks shed their antlers in late winter and begin growing new antlers in early spring.

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