OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Chocolate, cherry ice cream christens new maker

Chocolate Cherry Malted Ice Cream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Chocolate Cherry Malted Ice Cream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

After almost 20 years of dutiful service, my beloved Cuisinart ice cream maker bit the dust. It was a relatively inexpensive countertop model that could churn a batch of soft serve in about 30 minutes, thanks to a canister that I kept stored in the freezer. After two decades of use the motor strained to rotate the canister and the liquid inside the canister lost its freezing power.

I recently replaced it with a similar model from a different brand. With near 100-degree temperatures in the forecast, it's time to christen the new one.

One of the great things about making ice cream at home is being able to create new flavors. This is one you're not likely to find in the grocery store.

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