On a speck of property in Fayetteville, the nonprofit Apple Seeds Teaching Farm is using gardens to help teach young people about where their food comes from and just how yummy it can be.
"There was a real need to get kids connected back to where their food comes from," says Apple Seeds marketing director Tanya Collins.
Apple Seeds, which sprouted in 2007, is a two-acre farm in Gulley Park that grows fruit and vegetables and introduces children to good-for-you foods and cooking skills.
Last year, Apple Seeds grew 6,790 pounds of fruits and vegetables, distributed almost five tons of fresh produce to students and their families and reached 9,395 students through its educational programs, according to the group's 2020 Annual Report.
After going virtual during the pandemic, Apple Seeds has been making fun how-to videos of its recipes and leading online field trips of its space at
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