OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Kitchen nightmare allayed with easy meal

Coriander-Crusted Chicken With Crispy Chickpeas and Pomegranate with riced cauliflower. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Coriander-Crusted Chicken With Crispy Chickpeas and Pomegranate with riced cauliflower. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Months ago, I wrote about how I was coping with life during a pandemic.

One of the most helpful tactics has been to keep a gratitude list. (Another is watching Jacques Pepin videos on Facebook facebook.com/ChefJacquesPepin.)

At the top of today's gratitude list: aluminum foil, parchment paper and paper plates.

As I write this, my kitchen is in a severe state of disarray. We have a leaking cast-iron drain pipe inside the wall leading from the sink to the sewer.

If this sounds familiar, it is. Two years ago we had to replace another cast-iron pipe, which had also failed.

It comes with the territory of owning a 100+ year-old house.

What makes this round more difficult is I don't have a second kitchen to cook and wash dishes in.

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