OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Frozen chocolate pops a cool, sweet, creamy treat

Malted Milk Chocolate Frozen Pop (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Malted Milk Chocolate Frozen Pop (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

As summer's heat rages on, I'm still finding sweet ways to beat the heat. I was recently reminded of a childhood favorite — Pudding Pops. If you were even halfway paying attention in the 1980s you remember this icy snack on a stick.

Jell-O Pudding Pops reigned supreme on the frozen treats aisle for nearly a decade. The pops were discontinued in the 1990s, revived in the early 2000s and then discontinued again.

Pudding pops, it turns out, to my adult taste are remarkably similar to Fudgsicles, except they're smoother, much smoother. (Fudgsicles, by the way, are still made by Popsicle.)

Comparing recipes for scratch versions of both, the ingredients are the same. So, if pudding pops are inextricably associated with a certain comedian/alleged sex offender I'm not going to name, think of the following as fudge pops.

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