Outdoors calendar

FILE — Golf balls sit on a course in this 2020 file photo.
FILE — Golf balls sit on a course in this 2020 file photo.


NOTE For additions to this calendar, please email information on events to bhendricks@adgnewsroom.com. Event information should include the date, the name of the event, the event's location and venue, as well as a contact person, phone number, email address and/or website to provide more information.


6 Central Arkansas chapter of Ducks Unlimited second semiannual golf scramble. The Country Club of Arkansas, Maumelle. ducks.org/arkansas

7 Conway chapter of Ducks Unlimited membership banquet. Knights of Columbus. 5:30 p.m. ducks.org/arkansas

11 Northwest Arkansas chapter of Ducks Unlimited membership banquet. Washington County Fairgrounds. 6 p.m. ducks.org/arkansas


12 Lonoke chapter of Ducks Unlimited membership banquet. AWA building, 5:30 p.m. ducks.org/arkansas

17 Pine Bluff chapter of Ducks Unlimited membership banquet. White Hall Community Center. 5:30 p.m. ducks.org/arkansas

19 Moro Creek chapter of Ducks Unlimited membership banquet.

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