OPINION | FRONT BURNER: German-style pancakes add pears to the mix

German-Style Pear Pancake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
German-Style Pear Pancake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Traditionally, German pancakes are filled with apples. I've opted to use pears because, well, it's pear season and apples are so predictable.

As a sort of compromise I opted for Asian pears, which I've recently seen marketed as apple pears. They're pears, make no mistake, but their round shape and super crisp flesh are reminiscent of an apple.

Feel free to use any variety you like, but do opt for firmer rather than softer. If you use soft pears you'll end up with pear butter rather than tender bites of pear studding the pancake.

This makes an excellent fall dessert or brunch dish, especially if served with a side of bacon or sausage.

If you don't have an oven-safe skillet, feel free to cook the pears on the stove and then transfer them to a generously greased cake pan or baking pan before adding the batter and baking.

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