OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Roasted tomato soup with broiled cheddar toast entices with captivating aroma

Roasted Tomato Soup With Broiled Cheddar Toasts (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Roasted Tomato Soup With Broiled Cheddar Toasts (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

I had to buy the ingredients for this soup twice.

The first time, the tomatoes and garlic never made it into the soup pot. I was so entranced with their aroma I found myself piling them onto toasted English muffins with cheese and thyme and devouring them before I ever pulled the blender out of the cabinet.

That's the gist of this recipe: roast roma tomatoes and a head of garlic and then puree into soup and top with a lid of broiled cheddar toast. Like French onion soup but with tomatoes and cheddar.

But let's be honest: Eating soup with a slab of toasted bread floating on top can be a bit cumbersome. Instead, I prefer to serve the toast on the side, dipping it into the soup as I eat.

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