Alaskan sockeyes: Family, friends feast at salmon safari

Really? You want to be "that" guy, the one that schleps 50 pounds of frozen fish aboard an airliner in a carry-on?

When you're flying back to the lower 48 from Alaska, it's expected.

It's a 17-year tradition for Jordan Johnson of Little Rock, who spent a week in July with friends and family fishing for sockeye salmon on the Kenai River near Sterling, Alaska. Johnson made the trip with his son Keeton Johnson, 14, father-in-law Ed Staley of Little Rock, Dr. Rick Gore of Little Rock, Dr. Rhett Gore of Little Rock, Dr. Brent Larsen and Danise Larsen, both of Cabot, Amanda Gore, Bryson Harpole of Beebe, Krissy Shirley of Cabot, Dr. James Penney and Wendy Penney, both of Roland, and a host of longtime friends from Germany, Austria, and British Columbia.


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