OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Quinoa, beans, avocado combine for hearty salad

Quinoa With Beans, Avocado and Orange (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Quinoa With Beans, Avocado and Orange (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

This grain salad is one of the best things I've eaten this year (and there's been a lot of competition for that title so far. Those carrot soups I wrote about last week were impressively delicious).

The salad (or grain bowl, if you're not a salad eater) can be served warm, at room temperature or chilled. I think it strikes the perfect compromise for those days when you're craving hearty and filling, but bright tasting and refreshing. Basically, when you want the freshness of a salad, but one that will fill you up and keep you that way.

This recipe has everything you want in a salad or grain bowl: quinoa and beans (protein and fiber), corn (sweetness) and oranges (sweet acidity), celery (bitter crunch), red onion (sweet/hot crunch), avocado (creamy deliciousness) tied together with a sweet-tart and smoky dressing.


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