Pepper season is here and that means stuffed jalapenos at my house.
Part of the fun of eating stuffed jalapenos is the thrill of not knowing if the pepper's heat will be mild or make you sweat.
But I don't stop at jalapenos. Any pepper small enough to eat in a couple of bites is game for stuffing.
I like to use a combination of cream cheese and cheddar cheese. I add to the mixture based on how I'll be serving the peppers. If the peppers will be the meal, I'll add some seasoned ground beef or turkey and maybe even some corn. But if the peppers are a snack or appetizer, I stick with just cheese.
These stuffed peppers can be prepared in the oven or on the grill — the preparation and cooking time are the same for both methods, but if you're cooking these on the grill be sure your peppers are large enough they don't fall through the grate or use a rack to support them.
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