OPINION | FRONT BURNER: 3 key ingredients create pasta called da bomb

Pasta With Butter and Parmesan garnished with parmesan, red pepper flakes and black pepper  (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Pasta With Butter and Parmesan garnished with parmesan, red pepper flakes and black pepper (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

You're going to want to save this recipe, at least until you've committed it to memory.

It's that good and so, so simple.

So simple it sounds too good to be true, like one of those recipes food bloggers and Instagramers gush: OMG, y'all! This is the BEST pasta. EVAR!!!!!!!!! So yummy. Heart emoji, unicorn emoji, drooling smiley face emoji, rainbow, fire.

But seriously, it really is good and could become your go-to on those days when there's nothing to cook.

You'll need just three ingredients (technically five if you count water and salt) and they're all right in the name: Pasta With Butter and Parmesan.

Pasta With Butter and Parmesan garnished with parmesan, red pepper flakes and black pepper (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Pasta With Butter and Parmesan garnished with parmesan, red pepper flakes and black pepper (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Of course you can use more — a little garlic, black pepper and crushed red-pepper flakes will take this recipe from delicious to da bomb.

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