OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Cardamom, orange enliven asparagus

Broiled Asparagus With Cardamom and Orange (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Broiled Asparagus With Cardamom and Orange (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Cardamom is not a spice I had considered for asparagus. But one bite of this and I was hooked.

The bittersweet marmalade, woodsy cardamom and rich butter combined for a taste sensation I hadn't experienced before, and one I couldn't make myself stop eating.

Because I'm the sole asparagus eater in my house, I halved the recipe and ate the whole thing -- a full pound of asparagus. It was that good.

I had a little of the butter-marmalade mixture left over. It was delicious spread on whole-grain toast for breakfast the next day.

I ground the cardamom myself and found 1 teaspoon to be plenty, but if you have cardamom that comes already ground, you might want to add just a pinch or so more.

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