OPINION | FRONT BURNER: ‘Good Enough’ embraces imperfection, self-care

Every Day Is Summer Berry Cookie Bars (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Every Day Is Summer Berry Cookie Bars (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

My favorite thing about "Good Enough. A Cookbook Embracing the Joys of Imperfection & Practicing Self-Care in the Kitchen" by Leanne Brown is the TL;DR (too long; didn't read) synopsis just under the recipe name in many of the book's 100 or so recipes.

My second favorite thing is the overall message that's right there in the title: good enough.

Good enough can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Two that I could use more in my life: "You're good enough" and "that's good enough."

An editor once referred to me as a perfectionist. I don't think I'm a perfectionist. I think I have higher standards than most and it's important to me that I live up to those standards.

When I don't (which is more often than I care to admit), I sometimes feel inadequate.

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