Cilantro dressing zippy way to use extra herbs

Cilantro-Avocado Dressing (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Cilantro-Avocado Dressing (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Using an entire bunch of cilantro can be a challenge when many recipes call for using it as a garnish.

To avoid tossing it, we often add the remains of a bunch to homemade dips and salad dressings (cilantro ranch is a favorite: 1 cup mayonnaise, 1 cup milk or buttermilk, 1 envelope ranch dressing mix, 1 cup finely chopped cilantro leaves and stems; mix mayonnaise, milk and ranch mix according to the package directions and then stir in the cilantro).

Lately we've been enjoying this combination of a whole bunch of cilantro, fresh citrus, avocado, garlic, honey and a few spices. It's bright, perky and full of flavor. Stir a few tablespoons into steamed rice or riced cauliflower for lime cilantro rice, spoon it over grilled chicken or pork chops, use it as a sauce for fish cakes or as a dressing for salads.


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