OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Kelli Marks' extraordinary peanut butter pie recipe featured in ‘50 Things to Bake Before You Die’

Peanut Butter Pie (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Peanut Butter Pie (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

When I opened my review copy of "50 Things to Bake Before You Die" by Allyson Reedy (Ulysses Press, $24.95), I was immediately overwhelmed by the aroma of fresh ink. It was so strong, I had to put the book away.

A few weeks later, I cracked it open again. It still smelled strongly of ink, but it had mellowed enough that I could read it without holding my breath. And once I did — start reading, that is — I started salivating.

This book lives up to its (very long) subtitle: "The World's Best Cakes, Pies, Brownies, Cookies, and More From Your Favorite Bakers Including Christina Tosi, Joanne Chang, and Dominique Ansel."

It was a pleasant surprise to see Kat Gordon (Muddy's Bake Shop in Memphis) and Central Arkansas' own Kelli Marks deservedly among the 50 bakers featured in the book.

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