OPINION — Like It Is

OPINION | WALLY HALL: Now retired, Saban still focused on ’Bama

DALLAS -- Apparently Nick Saban got his own room at the media hotel here.

He's been working every day for ESPN and the SEC Network. He most likely doesn't refer to himself as media, but the man won seven national championships.

Wednesday morning the show he was "coaching" signed off at 9 a.m., the exact time that new Alabama Coach Kalen DeBoer was being introduced.

The show was being broadcast from the same ballroom where the coaches and players are interviewed, and casually Saban turned his seat to face the podium he graced for 17 seasons as Alabama's head coach.

He was expressionless but did appear to have a great interest.

DeBoer's opening statement was about 10 minutes and he closed it with:

"Before I open it up for questions, I do just want to say -- I know I haven't seen Coach around here, but I do want to first of all congratulate Coach.

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