OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Pommes Anna gives potatoes classy presentation

Individual Pommes Anna (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Individual Pommes Anna (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Whenever I come across a recipe that includes a woman's name, I always wonder how the name came about. Is the dish named after its creator, or was the name a lovelorn chef's attempt at impressing a potential lover?

Such is the case with pommes Anna, the French potato dish featuring thinly sliced potatoes layered and cooked with nothing but butter and salt, and sometimes thyme.

It is generally agreed that the dish was created by chef Adolphe Duglere at Cafe Anglais in the mid-19th century. But exactly who Anna is remains a bit murky. Some food historians say it was Anna Deslions while others say it was Anna Damiens, both women were "grandes cocottes" who entertained in the Paris cafe.

Sometimes pommes Anna is called pommes galette — galette being a much looser term used for round, flat cakes or pastries.

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