Taking a short break from all the news conferences in Dallas last week to catch up with some local news.
For those who are getting football fever, Friday night is a great event, Countdown to Kickoff at The Hall, which is at 721 W. Ninth Street and not at my home.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. is when the fun begins.
Current Arkansas Razorback speakers are preseason All-SEC defensive lineman Landon Jackson; tight end Luke Hasz, who will be All-SEC if he stays healthy; and speedy receiver Isaiah Sategna, who looks to have a breakout season with Bobby Petrino as the offensive coordinator.
Former Razorback Coach Houston Nutt, the second winningest coach in University of Arkansas history with a 75-48 record behind only Frank Broyles, will be on the stage.
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