OPINION — Like It Is

OPINION | WALLY HALL: Calipari has embraced Razorback tradition

If it still seems strange three months later than John Calipari is the head men's basketball coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks, that's understandable.

Just as it should be believable that Calipari has transitioned from wearing blue to seeing Razorback red.

Coach Cal, as he likes to be called, spent 10 years at Memphis and 15 at Kentucky wearing blue. He was also eight years at UMass, and the common denominator at all three programs was success, enough to lead all three programs to the Final Four.

Monday morning Coach Cal had a news conference. A real one. Not a pep rally like the night he was introduced as Arkansas' new coach.

The party ended that night, it was time to go to work and he has worked from sunrise to after sunset since.


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