OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Beverages to warm you up in these cooler months

Weisser Gluhwein is a lighter, brighter take on mulled wine. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Weisser Gluhwein is a lighter, brighter take on mulled wine. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

We finally have a nice, lasting chill in the air and Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we can blink.

Which means it's time for warming beverages. One of my favorite warm beverages is mulled wine. English Christmas Punch is a particular favorite (see recipes at arkansasonline.com/1110mull).

But sometimes I want something a little different.

Enter today's recipes for Weisser Gluhwein (mulled white wine), Winterlicher Rosé-Gluhwein (mulled rosé) and mulled apple cider.

Mulled white wine is a delicious alternative to the better known version made with red wine. It's lighter and brighter, but just as cozy. The ingredients are essentially the same, but instead of a heavy red, a white wine such as riesling, chardonnay or gewurztraminer is used. I've also seen this called Mosel-style gluhwein and orangen gluhwein.


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