OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Turkey and Dumplings great use of leftovers

Turkey and Dumplings (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Turkey and Dumplings (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

If you're anything like me, even with all the planning and talk of a small Thanksgiving, you're likely planning on cooking a little extra for the sole purpose of enjoying the leftovers.

After all, what's the point of spending all that time and effort preparing a Thanksgiving feast if the fruits of your labor last for just one meal?

Most Thanksgiving leftovers — if they've been cooked and stored properly — will be safe to eat for three to five days. This means foods cooked and served on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) will be safe to eat until Monday. Any dishes that were cooked in advance should be eaten within three to five days of when they were originally prepared. The exception being homemade cranberry sauce, which is acidic enough to last a week or more.

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