OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Roasted sweet potatoes get a spicy/savory kick

Roasted Sweet Potatoes With Spiced Brown Sugar (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Roasted Sweet Potatoes With Spiced Brown Sugar (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

This method for roasting sweet potatoes was a revelation. The spice mixture is all mine, but I have America's Test Kitchen (once again) to thank for helping me make the best roasted sweet potatoes I've ever put in my mouth.

The process differs in that the baking pan is covered with foil before going into a cold oven. That's right, these roasted sweet potatoes are covered and placed in the oven as it heats. The foil comes off in the last few minutes of cooking. I was sure they were going to turn out mushy from steaming. Instead, they were perfect — smooth and creamy on the inside and caramelized, with the slightest crunch on the bottoms.

I usually skip the sugar when I'm preparing sweet potatoes, finding them sweet enough on their own, and these are quite good without any additional embellishment.


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