Wedding invitation can give clues to ‘cocktail attire’
August 4, 2024 at 2:45 a.m.
Lois Fenton
Q I'm invited to a Labor Day wedding where I'm close to the parents but not part of the wedding party. It is not black tie, in fact, the description is "cocktail attire suggested." I'm wondering if I should be wearing a tie, a blazer or a suit? Would bright blue pants, a gray blazer and a tie work?
A I'm afraid that your combination is too casual to work for a "cocktail attire suggested" wedding. Those words on an invitation call for something dressier; not as formal as a tuxedo, but more formal than a blazer and dress pants. That something in between is a dark suit with a good-looking tie.
A few years ago it might have meant a boardroom-type pinstripe suit, but these days almost no one wears a dressy stripe.
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